Download Bully: Anniversary Edition Lite Apk + Obb
Saturday, November 25, 2017
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Selamat malam sahabat androinside, semoga sehat dan bahagia selalu. Kali ini saya mau share game Bully: Anniversarry Edition, yupz game ini mirip sekali dengan GTA San Andreas. Hal ini tak lain karena game bully ini di buat oleh Vendor Perusahaan game yang sama yaitu Rockstar Games.
Good night androinside friends, hopefully healthy and happy always. This time I want to share game Bully: Anniversarry Edition, yupz this game is very similar to GTA San Andreas. This is none other than because this bully game is made by the same game company Vendor Rockstar Games.
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Game ini terbilang sangat HD, karena butuh android High End untuk dapat memainkan game ini, jadi pastikan Smartphone Android sobat sudah mempunyai setidaknya memiliki RAM 2GB. oke gan gausah basa basi lagi langsung Cekidoooot!
This game is very HD, because it takes android High End to be able to play this game, so make sure your Android Smartphone already has at least 2GB of RAM. okay gan gausah stale bases again directly Cekidoooot!
- Name : Bully: Anniversarry Edition Lite
- File : Apk + Obb
- Zize : 22 MB | 250 MB | RaR/ZiP
- Tags : Fps, Action, Adventur, Open World, Offline
- Support OS : Android 4.04.2 JellyBean, 4.4.2Kitkat, 5.+Lolipop, 6+ Marsmellow
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1. download apk & obb from the one I provided below.
2. install apk first, then extract the obb file it will come out folder com.rokstragame.bully in which there is obb file.
3. move the obb file that has been extracted earlier to SDcard> Android> Obb [suppose can not adjust the directory if the SDCard can not then move to Internal Memory.]4. Happy playing.
1. download apk & obb dari yang saya sediakan di bawah.
2. install apk terlebih dahulu, kemudian ekstrak file obb maka akan keluar folder com.rokstragame.bully yang di dalamnya terdapat file obb.
3.pindah kan file obb yang sudah di ekstrak tadi ke SDcard > Android > Obb [ misalkan tidak bisa sesuaikan direktori jika di SDcard tidak bisa maka pindahkan ke Memori Internal.]
4. Selamat bermain.
Downloads Bully Lite & Original Here
[APK] | [OBB]
Obb Original : [Here] | 2GB | RaR
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