Warkop DKI Reborn: Jangkrik Boss Part 1 (2016) WEB-DL
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
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Dono (Abimana Aryasatya), Kasino (Vino G Bastian) dan Indro (Tora Sudiro) kembali beraksi di tengah hiruk pikuknya Jakarta. Mereka sekali lagi berperan sebagai personel sebuah Lembaga Swasta yang bernama CHIIPS (Cara Hebat Ikut-Ikutan Penanggulangan Sosial).
Walaupun mereka bersemangat menjalankan tugasnya melayani masyarakat, namun kekacauan selalu timbul akibat aksi mereka yang konyol. Hal ini tentu saja membuat mereka menjadi bulan-bulanan banyak pihak, termasuk Boss mereka. Akhirnya sang Boss menghadirkan Sophie, professional CHIIPS cantik kiriman dari Perancis untuk membantu tugas baru DKI (Dono, Kasino Indro)
Dono (Abimana Aryasatya), Casino (Vino G Bastian) and Indro (Tora Sudiro) are back in action in the middle of the hustle and bustle of Jakarta. They once again served as personnel of a Private Institution called CHIIPS (Great Ways to Participate in Social Response).
Although they are eager to carry out their duty to serve the community, chaos always arises from their silly actions. This of course makes them into a lot of parties, including their Boss. Finally the Boss presents Sophie, a beautiful professional CHIIPS submissions from France to help with the new task of DKI (Dono, Indro Casino)
Name : Warkop DKI Reborn: Jangkrik Boss Part 1
Format : Mp4
Zize : 550MB
Quality : 720P | 480 P | 360 P
Genre : Comedy
Leaguage : Indonesian
Subtittle : -
[-] | [-] | [480P] | [-]
Dono (Abimana Aryasatya), Kasino (Vino G Bastian) dan Indro (Tora Sudiro) kembali beraksi di tengah hiruk pikuknya Jakarta. Mereka sekali lagi berperan sebagai personel sebuah Lembaga Swasta yang bernama CHIIPS (Cara Hebat Ikut-Ikutan Penanggulangan Sosial).
Walaupun mereka bersemangat menjalankan tugasnya melayani masyarakat, namun kekacauan selalu timbul akibat aksi mereka yang konyol. Hal ini tentu saja membuat mereka menjadi bulan-bulanan banyak pihak, termasuk Boss mereka. Akhirnya sang Boss menghadirkan Sophie, professional CHIIPS cantik kiriman dari Perancis untuk membantu tugas baru DKI (Dono, Kasino Indro)
Dono (Abimana Aryasatya), Casino (Vino G Bastian) and Indro (Tora Sudiro) are back in action in the middle of the hustle and bustle of Jakarta. They once again served as personnel of a Private Institution called CHIIPS (Great Ways to Participate in Social Response).
Although they are eager to carry out their duty to serve the community, chaos always arises from their silly actions. This of course makes them into a lot of parties, including their Boss. Finally the Boss presents Sophie, a beautiful professional CHIIPS submissions from France to help with the new task of DKI (Dono, Indro Casino)
Name : Warkop DKI Reborn: Jangkrik Boss Part 1
Format : Mp4
Zize : 550MB
Quality : 720P | 480 P | 360 P
Genre : Comedy
Leaguage : Indonesian
Subtittle : -
[-] | [-] | [480P] | [-]
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